November 17, 2022 

This Terms of Service Agreement (“Agreement”) governs your use of the Affiliate 
Automation Site (as defined below), participation in the Affiliate Automation Program and 
all other services (collectively referred to as the “Services”) offered by Affiliate Automation, 
LLC (“Affiliate Automation”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), including our official website, (“Site”). “You” refers to you as a user of the Site.  
By using the Site and our Services, you agree to be bound by and to abide by this Agreement. 
If you do not comply with this Agreement at any time, we reserve the right, if applicable, to 
terminate your user account, password, or otherwise revoke your License (as defined below) 
to use our Site (or any part thereof) and suspend your ability to use our Services. You agree 
that any termination or cancellation of your access to, or use of, the Site may be affected 
without prior notice. Further, you agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party 
for any termination or cancellation of your access to our use of the Site.  
stipulates, and governs the respective rights and obligations of Affiliate Automation and you. 
By using the Site, you acknowledge that you agree to all the terms of this Agreement. If you 
do not agree, please do not use or access the Site or use the Services.  
ARBITRATION NOTICE: Section XIII of this Agreement contains provisions relating 
to how claims between you and Affiliate Automation will be resolved. Section XIII 
contains an arbitration agreement that will require disputes between you and Affiliate 
Automation to be submitted to final and binding arbitration. Unless you opt out of 
Section XIII: (1) you may pursue claims against us only in your individual capacity and 
not as a member or plaintiff of a class action lawsuit; and (2) you waive your right to 
seek relief in a court of law and/or gave a jury trial on your claims.  
I. License 
a. License. Affiliate Automation grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, 
fully revocable, and limited license to access make personal use of the Sites 
and the material provided herein, provided that you fully comply with this 
Agreement (“License”). Affiliate Automation reserves the right to terminate 
your License or otherwise deny your access to our Site at any time and for any 
b. License Limitations. This License does not provide you with any guarantees 
of any nature including, without limitation, express or implied ability to use 
the Services. You may not download or otherwise modify any portion of the 
Site without our prior written consent. You may not use any bots or other 
forms of automation to use or monitor our Site, complete applications, or 
interact with the Site in any way. This License does not include any rights of 
resale or other commercial use of the Site or its contents, any collection and 
use of any service description or prices; any derivative use of the Site or its 
contents; any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit 
of another individual or entity. The Site, Services, or any portion thereof may 
not be reproduced, duplicated, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for 
any commercial purposes without the prior express written consent of Affiliate 
c. Any violation of this Section I or any other unauthorized use of our Site and 
the Services automatically revokes and terminates the License granted to you 
by Affiliate Automation.  
II. Changes to Our Site and Agreement 
a. Affiliate Automation reserves the right, in our sole discretion to change, 
modify, add to, or remove portions of the Site and this Agreement at any time. 
It is your responsibility to periodically review this Agreement for the latest 
changes. Any changes to or modifications of this Agreement shall take effect 
once it is published on the Site in accordance with the Effective Date listed 
b. By using the Site after we post any changes to the Agreement, you agree that 
by using the Affiliate Automation application and/or visiting the Site after any 
changes to this Agreement, you agree to accept such changes. If you do not 
agree to such changes, you must stop visiting the Site and/or using the 
Services immediately.  
c. If you have any objections to the changes to this Agreement, or if you are 
dissatisfied with Affiliate Automation, our Site and/or the Services, you 
should immediately: 
i. Stop using the Site and/or the Services; and 
ii. Inform Affiliate Automation to stop providing the Services to you by 
contacting us at  
d. You agree that once the Services are unilaterally terminated by you, your right 
to use the Site and/or the Services is terminated immediately with no further 
duty owed to you.  
III. Representations and Warranties 
a. Each time you use our Services and Site you hereby represent and warrant to 
Affiliate Automation as follows: 
i. You have the capacity to enter into this Agreement as you are a natural 
person over the age of 18 years old with sound mind and full legal 
capacity to enter into this Agreement; 
ii. Your use of our Site complies with the applicable laws and regulations 
of the legal jurisdiction in which you reside or are organized; 
iii. Your use of our Site does not violate your obligations to any third 
iv. You have the requisite capacity to use our Site and perform your 
corresponding obligations under this Agreement; and  
v. You agree and acknowledge that any purchases or payments made to 
Affiliate Automation by you, or your account, are valid and binding on 
b. You represent and warrant that you will comply with all applicable laws, rules, 
and regulations, including those that may require adding an appropriate 
disclosure through a hash tag or the like in commercial endorsements. You 
agree that you will comply with all other laws in connection with commercial 
endorsements including the Federal Trade Commission’s “Guide Concerning 
the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”, the Security 
Exchange Commission’s regulations around promoting securities, and other 
financial instruments, and any similar requirements that may be applicable.  
c. You represent and warrant that you have all proprietary rights necessary when 
conducting activities on the Site and participating in the Services including all 
the rights necessary to use any information, trademarks, trade names, logos, 
copyrights, or trade secrets provided in connection with your use of the Site 
and participation in the Services. 
d. You represent and warrant that you are using the Site and the Services only for 
your own benefit and that you are not using the Site and the Services on behalf 
of others or for the benefit of any third parties.  
e. You represent and warrant your acknowledgement that use of the Affiliate 
Automation Site and the Services does not in any way create a fiduciary 
relationship. Similarly, you represent and warrant that the use of the Site and 
the Services involve any guarantee of future financial success, and that past 
performance does not indicate future results.  
f. You hereby represent and warrant that your use of the Site and the Services 
will not negatively affect Affiliate Automation’s reputation or cause Affiliate 
Automation to assume legal responsibility or other penalties, fines, and 
g. You represent and warrant that you are an individual who understands the 
risks of financial investment and understand that there is no expectation for 
financial gain by using the Site and the Services.  
IV. User Registration and Account Information 
a. When completing the application, opening the account, and throughout your 
use of our Services and Site, Affiliate Automation may ask for your name, 
address, username, password, email address, credit score, financial 
information, annual income, investing experience, and other personally 
identifiable information (collectively “Account Information”) and may ask for 
copies of your identifying documentation.  
b. By applying to create an Affiliate Automation account on our Site, you agree 
to provide true, accurate, current, legal, and complete information and 
registration data. You agree not to create an Affiliate Automation account: 
i. By using a false identity or providing false information of any kind; 
ii. If you have previously been removed or banned from our Site.  
c. You acknowledge that you will provide timely notification to Affiliate 
Automation of any changes in Account Information previously provided 
including, without limitation, your name, address, email address, telephone 
number, and financial information.  
d. You agree not to impersonate any person or entity, misrepresent any 
relationship, of any kind, with another person, entity, or association, use false 
representations, of any kind, or otherwise conceal your identity from Affiliate 
Automation for any purpose.  
e. Failure to provide legal, true, accurate, and complete Account Information will 
result in termination from our Services and Site. In that event, you will bear all 
losses, responsibilities, and consequences associated with the false 
information, false account, and/or account termination.  
f. You agree that you, and no one else including, without limitation, Affiliate 
Automation, are responsible for all activities that occur on or in connection 
with your Site account and participation in the Services.  
g. You agree to notify us immediately of any activity on the account by anyone 
other than yourself as such activity is unauthorized by this Agreement. If you 
believe someone is using your account without permission contact us directly 
h. Affiliate Automation reserves the right to impose certain restrictions on your 
account and/or suspend or terminate your use of the Site and the Services 
based on the information provided by you to Affiliate Automation in 
accordance with the company’s internal policies.  
i. You agree that you may only apply for one Affiliate Automation account and 
any subsequent application would be grounds for dismissal or removal from 
the Site and prohibit your use of the Services.  
j. For any and all compliance purposes and/or anti-money laundering policies, 
Affiliate Automation reserves the right to request you provide Affiliate 
Automation with any and all personally identifiable information and/or 
financial information Affiliate Automation deems necessary to use the 
Services. Failure to comply with such a request may result in termination from 
using the Services.  
k. To access some of our Services, you will be required to enter your username 
and password (collectively “Login Information”) that will personally identify 
you and allow you to access our Services. All Login Information and account 
Information should be secure and must be kept confidential at all times. It is 
your responsibility to protect Account and Login Information. Affiliate 
Automation is not responsible for any consequences and losses caused by your 
or any third party’s improper use of your Login Information or Account 
i. If you believe that your Login Information is known by any third party 
or that your account has been accessed by any third party, you should 
immediately notify Affiliate Automation by emailing us at  
ii. If you fail to keep your Login Information or Account Information 
confidential which results in your Affiliate Automation account being 
used by others, you acknowledge and agree that your license to use the 
Site and the Services shall be revoked, you will still be liable for any 
amounts owed to Affiliate Automation, you will be liable for any loss 
suffered by Affiliate Automation, including without limitation, an 
additional Initial Payment, and you will be liable for any loss suffered 
by other users of Affiliate Automation or relevant third parties. You 
will also be liable for any of your own losses arising from your failure 
to protect your Login and Account Information properly and 
l. You acknowledge and agree that the Services have multiple levels of 
participation and your payment for such participation is indicative of the level 
of the Services which you decided upon prior to entering into a Master Service 
Agreement with Affiliate Automation. Under any circumstances, you will not 
be entitled to any greater level of Services than the one you previously agreed 
to with Affiliate Automation.  
V. Risk Assumption 
a. You understand that all investments involve risk, that your profits may not 
equal the principal invested, and that the past performance of the Services, 
industry, sector, market, or financial investment does not guarantee future 
results or returns.  
b. You acknowledge there are inherent risks in the use of any affiliate marketing 
program, including, without limitation, expenses exceeding overall revenue. 
There is always the potential of losing money when individuals participate in 
investment activities. You further understand that there are risks associated 
with utilizing an internet-based system including, without limitation, the 
failure of hardware, software, and internet connections as well as the risk of 
malicious software introductions. You are responsible for all risks associated 
with using our Site and Services.  
c. You understand that using our Site and Services may redirect you to third 
party sites. You acknowledge and agree that Affiliate Automation will not be 
liable for any losses, expenses, costs, or other liabilities related to your use of 
such third-party sites.  
d. Affiliate Automation will not be liable for any loss arising out of or in 
connection with your use of (or inability to use) our Services and Site; not will 
Affiliate Automation be liable for your use of or reliance upon any content on 
our Site. Affiliate Automation does not endorse any opinion, provide any 
advice to be relied upon, or provide other information expressed by others of 
our Site or Services, and you acknowledge that any reliance on material 
provided by Affiliate Automation or any third party will be at your own risk. 
Nothing within our Site or Services should be construed as financial or 
investment advice. You should always obtain specialist advice or do your own 
research before taking, or not taking, any action or inaction based on the 
content of our Site.  
e. You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for and bear the 
financial risks and consequences of: 
i. Your use of the Affiliate Automation Site and Services as well as any 
other required capabilities for you to properly use our Services; and 
ii. All investment and financial decisions when using the Site or Services.  
f. You acknowledge and understand that the profits received from the Services 
depend solely on You. Affiliate Automation in no way makes any assertion 
that you will make a profit from the use of the Site and Services. If any 
authority determines that such an assertion was made, you hereby disclaim 
Affiliate Automation of any liability related to such a claim. In any event, 
Affiliate Automation makes no claim that using the Site and Services will 
result in you generating a profit or other revenue.  
g. You acknowledge and understand that you will bear all risks, financial or 
otherwise, related to identity theft or any other loss as it relates to your Login 
Information or Account Information, use of our Services, and visiting our Site.  
h. You understand and agree that Affiliate Automation reserves the right to post, 
modify, and/or provide information related to our Services through Site or 
other communication channels including, without limitation, website, emails, 
advertisements, customer service calls, and text messages. Affiliate 
Automation will not be responsible for any information that you provide 
through our Site being intercepted or otherwise received by any unintended 
i. You also acknowledge and agree that e-commerce is an ever-changing 
industry that is subject to many different types of business risk, including 
without limitation:  
i. a changing legal environment in which regulations can emerge or 
change that affects the marketability of products;  
ii. macroeconomic changes that affect consumer spending, the emergence 
of recessions and the like;  
iii. changes in the popular appeal of and demand for different types of 
iv. changes in a program’s policies, to which Affiliate Automation and 
you are bound alike, which may affect the marketability of the links on 
your Site; 
v. changes in international politics or economics, which may affect, 
among other things, the ability market products through links;  
vi. market forces, including increased and/or changing levels of 
competition for any given product from other sellers of such product; 
vii. unforeseen events, force majeure, and other external events that could 
affect the performance of any Site. 
j. While Affiliate Automation exercises the best efforts to ensure our Site 
performs properly and Services are running effectively, there may be a 
significant period in which sales and/or your performance may not result in a 
net profit to you; you acknowledge such risk and any harm caused by such risk 
falls directly on you.  
VI. Services 
a. Affiliate Automation is a service provider that helps its customers create, 
develop, and monetize a website brand through digital mediums and methods. 
There is no guarantee of commission or other financial compensation by 
participating in the Services. 
b. You understand and acknowledge: 
i. Affiliate Automation does not make any promises or guarantees for 
you to generate and profits or revenue as a result of using Affiliate 
ii. Affiliate Automation will not be liable or responsible for any losses 
related to using the Affiliate Automation services in any way; and 
iii. You have no expectation that Affiliate Automation will provide any 
compensation or payment, of any kind, as it relates to these Services.  
c. If you agree to engage Affiliate Automation for its Services through a Master 
Services Agreement, Affiliate Automation will act as an authorized user on 
your website for the purpose of advising you and managing and facilitating 
transactions on your website. Affiliate Automation will create listings for your 
website and will oversee certain customer services such as e-mail exchanges 
with your customers and assisting with coordinating your customer’s returns, 
sales, and shipment. Affiliate Automation will denote such amount of time as 
Affiliate Automation deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to provide the 
Services hereunder.  
d. You agree that Affiliate Automation may use third party applications to build 
a website and will not be held liable for any faults, loopholes, hack, spam, or 
any other problem arising from any errors in any application. You also agree 
that the problems arising from third party applications is not the fault of 
Affiliate Automation. 
e. You agree that the Services provided to you are determined by the level of the 
Services in which you select when becoming a customer of Affiliate 
Automation. Such participation in the Services will not be based on anything 
other than your agreement with Affiliate Automation.  
VII. Restrictions and Obligations 
a. You shall not use our Site or Services to engage in any activities that violate 
applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdiction in which you or any relevant 
party may live.  
b. You acknowledge and agree that you will not use the Affiliate Automation 
Site or Services to: 
i. Engage in any illegal activities such as money laundering or the like; 
ii. Participate in any criminal enterprise;  
iii. Fabricate or distort facts, spread rumors, or otherwise disrupt social 
iv. Promote or produce obscene, violent, and/or terrorist content or the 
v. Violate or infringe upon the legal or other rights and interests of third 
parties; and 
vi. Participate in any and all other activities that violate applicable laws 
and regulations in the jurisdiction in which you or any other relevant 
party may reside.  
c. You agree that you shall fully assume the relevant tax obligations arising from 
the use of Affiliate Automation’s Site and Services. 
d. You agree to not engage or otherwise participate in any activities that are 
intended to or have any possibility of affecting the security of Affiliate 
Automation, our users, our Site, and our Services.  
e. You shall neither engage in any activities in the name of Affiliate Automation 
nor use the information or other data found on Affiliate Automation’s Site 
without the prior express, written consent of Affiliate Automation. You shall 
not, under any circumstances, sell, license, transfer, or modify the Affiliate 
Automation Site or Services.  
f. Before using the Affiliate Automation Site and Services, you must confirm, on 
your own, that your use of the Affiliate Automation Site and Services is legal 
in your jurisdiction. All legal risks and consequences of such a marketing 
service not being legal in your jurisdiction shall be borne by you and Affiliate 
Automation disclaims any responsibility for such legal risks and 
g. If you violate any provisions of this Section VII, Affiliate Automation shall 
have the right to immediately suspend or terminate the Services provided to 
you, and Affiliate Automation shall have the right to take all necessary legal 
means within the scope permitted by the applicable laws and regulations to 
redress such a violation of this Section VII.  
VIII. Liability for Breaching This Agreement 
a. For any violation of this Agreement by you, Affiliate Automation has the right 
to immediately suspend or terminate your access to our Site and Services and 
take all necessary legal measures within the scope permitted by applicable 
laws and regulations, including, without limitation, to requiring you to be 
enjoined from such activities or to compensate Affiliate Automation or any 
third party for related losses from a breach of this Agreement. 
b. In the event that Affiliate Automation even remotely suspects that your use of 
the Affiliate Automation Site and Services is done in an illegal, fraudulent, or 
otherwise improper manner, Affiliate Automation shall have the right to 
suspend, and subsequently terminate, the provision of the Services to you until 
you can provide proof of compliance with this Agreement to our satisfaction 
by contacting us at  
c. We reserve the right to terminate any person’s access to our Site and Services 
for any reason, in our sole discretion, at any time. If you violate any provision 
of this Agreement, your permission to use our Site automatically terminates.  
IX. Disclaimers and Limitations on Liability 
a. To the extent permitted by applicable law: 
i. Affiliate Automation disclaims any and all liability for special, 
incidental, consequential, or indirect damages, including loss of use 
and profits, arising out of this Agreement or with respect Affiliate 
Automation’s performance, or failure to perform, the Terms and 
Conditions of this Agreement, however caused, whether for breach of 
contract, negligence, or otherwise, even if Affiliate Automation has 
been informed of the possibility of such damages;  
ii. In no event is Affiliate Automation or any of its representatives liable 
under any legal theory for consequential, indirect, incidental, special, 
exemplary, punitive, direct, or enhanced damages, lost profits or 
revenues, or diminution of value, arising out of or related to this 
Agreement, regardless of whether the damages were foreseeable, 
whether you or your customers were advised of the possibility of the 
damages; and  
iii. In no event shall Affiliate Automation’s aggregate liability arising out 
of or related to this Agreement (regardless of the form of action giving 
rise to such liability, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, exceed the 
amounts paid to Affiliate Automation from you, excluding the Initial 
Payment, in the previous two (2) months of your use of the Site and 
b. This Site and our Services are provided by Affiliate Automation on an “as is” 
and “as available” basis.  
c. Affiliate Automation makes no representations or warranties of any kind, 
express, or implied as to the operation of the Services and Site or the 
information, content, materials, or products included on the Site. You 
expressly agree that your use of the Site and Services is at your sole risk.  
d. The foregoing limitations will apply notwithstanding any failure of the 
essential purpose of any limited remedy. This Section IX shall survive your 
relationship with Affiliate Automation or use of the Site and/or Services. 
e. You acknowledge that the limitations of liability set forth in this Section IX 
are a fundamental part of the basis of Affiliate Automation offering this Site 
and/or the Services and Affiliate Automation would not offer the Site and/or 
Services without such limitations. 
X. Third Party Links 
Our Site may contain links to third party websites. You acknowledge and agree that (i) the 
link does not indicate endorsement or affiliation with the third-party website in any way, 
shape, or form; and (ii) Affiliate Automation is not responsible or liable for any damages, 
losses, costs, expenses, or liabilities related to your use of the third party.  
XI. Indemnification 
 You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Affiliate Automation and its affiliated 
entities or affiliates, individuals, officers, employees, directors, shareholders, agents, partners, 
vendors, and licensors from and against any and all claims, costs, proceedings, demands, 
losses, damages, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and costs) of 
any kind or nature arising from, out of, in connection with, or relating to this Agreement or 
your use of our Site and/or Services. Affiliate Automation may select counsel for and control 
the defense of any claim that you are indemnifying. You will reasonably cooperate with use 
in connection with any claim. 
XII. Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy 
a. Intellectual property rights of any content displayed on the Site, including but 
not limited to guides, advertising copy, examples of marketing materials, 
articles, pictures, news, website structure, website layout, website design, and 
other materials unless otherwise specified, are entirely owned by Affiliate 
Automation or its licensor (if any).  
b. All content included on the Site, including, but not limited to, articles, text, 
design, graphics, logos, Site layout, design, button icons, images, audio clips, 
downloads, interfaces, data compilations, software, and code is the property of 
Affiliate Automation, its affiliates, or its content suppliers, and is protected by 
United States and international copyright laws.  
c. The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Affiliate 
Automation, its affiliates, or its content suppliers, and is protected by United 
States and international copyright laws.  
d. All software used on this site is the property of Affiliate Automation, its 
affiliates, or its software suppliers and is protected by United States and 
international intellectual property laws.  
e. Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting, by 
implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the 
copyrighted works displayed or contained in the Site without the express, 
written consent of Affiliate Automation.  
f. Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice: Affiliate Automation respects the 
intellectual property rights of others, and we ask our users to do the same. In 
certain circumstances and in our discretion, we may terminate the rights of any 
user to use the Site if they infringe the intellectual property rights of others. If 
you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright 
infringement, or if you are aware of someone so infringing on your 
rights through our Site, please provide the following information to the email 
address specified below:  
i. A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been 
infringed upon;  
ii. A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is 
located on the Site;  
iii. Electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on 
behalf of the owner of the copyright interest;  
iv. Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;  
v. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is 
not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, and or the law; and  
vi. A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury that the above 
information in your notice is accurate, and that you are the copyright 
owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.  
g. You may send any notices of copyright infringement under the Digital 
Millennium Copyright Act to Affiliate Automation’s designated agent for 
notice of claims of copyright infringement on the Site at 
XIII. Dispute Resolution 
a. This Section XIII governs how any and all disputes between you and 
Affiliate Automation and its affiliates must be resolved. This Section XIII 
is binding on you during and after you visit our Site. This Section XIII 
remains in full force and effect until you provide notice to Affiliate 
Automation of your intention to opt-out of this Section XIII.  
b. Any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to this 
Agreement, including the existence, validity, interpretation, performance, 
breach, or termination thereof or any dispute regarding non-contractual 
obligations arising out of or relating to it shall be referred to and finally 
resolved by arbitration administered in Austin, Texas, in accordance with the 
Federal Arbitration Act and the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) 
rules then in effect (“Rules”) available at The arbitration shall 
be conducted before a neutral single arbitrator from the AAA whose decision 
will be final and binding. The parties shall mutually appoint the arbitrator. In 
the event that the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within thirty (30) days 
of the notice of arbitration, the AAA case manager may administratively 
appoint the arbitrator. The parties agree to split the arbitrator’s fees evenly 
unless a party claims to be unable to participate in arbitration as doing so 
would be cost prohibitive in comparison to litigation, as evidenced by the 
party’s verifiable written records. In the event the arbitrator finds arbitration to 
be cost prohibitive, the other party has the right to pay as much of the 
arbitration administrative costs as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the 
cost of the arbitration from being prohibitive. In any event, each party shall 
bear its own arbitration costs and deposition, witness, expert, and attorneys’ 
fees and other expenses to the same extent as if the matter were being heard in 
court. In any arbitration proceeding conducted pursuant to this Section XIII, 
the parties shall have the right to discovery, to call witnesses, and to cross-
examine the other party’s witnesses. The arbitrator shall render a final decision 
in writing, setting forth the reasons for the arbitration award. Both parties are 
bound by this mutual agreement to arbitrate. This does not include Disputes 
which may not by law be arbitrated, and expressly does not prevent either 
party from seeking equitable, including injunctive, relief in a court of 
competent jurisdiction and/or pursuing any claim or relief for a breach of 
Section IV of this Agreement in a court of competent jurisdiction. THE 
d. No waiver of any provision of this Section XIII will be effective or 
enforceable unless recorded in a writing signed by the party waiving such a 
right. Such a waiver will not waive or affect any other provision of this 
Agreement or Section XIII. If any provision of this Section XIII is found to be 
invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be deemed appropriately modified 
to give effect to the intent of the provision, or if modification is not possible 
will be severed and the remainder of this Section XIII will continue in full 
force and effect. This Section XIII will survive the termination of this 
Agreement and/or the relationship of the parties. 
e. Opt-Out Right. You have the right to opt out of this Section XIII by sending, 
within 30 days after first becoming subject to this Section XIII, written notice 
of your decision to opt out to Your notice 
must include your name and address, any usernames, each email address used 
to set up an Affiliate Automation account, and an unequivocal statement that 
you want to opt out of this Section XIII. The notification must include the 
agree that if you opt out of this Section XIII, all other parts of this Agreement 
will continue to apply to you. Opting out of this Section XIII has no effect on 
any other arbitration agreements that you may currently have, or may enter in 
the future, with Affiliate Automation. 
XIV. Miscellaneous 
a. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law 
of the State of Texas. By visiting this Site, you agree that the laws of Texas 
without regard to conflicts of law principles, will govern this Agreement, your 
use of our Services and Site, and any dispute of any sort that might arise 
between you and Affiliate Automation or our affiliates.  
b. No Waiver. The failure by Affiliate Automation to enforce any right or 
provision of this Agreement will not prevent Affiliate Automation from 
enforcing their rights or provisions of this Agreement in the future. Such 
waivers will not be deemed to modify this Agreement.  
c. International Compliance. This Site may be viewed internationally and may 
contain references to products or services not available in all countries. 
References to a particular product or service do not imply that Affiliate 
Automation intends to make such products or services available in any 
country. Regardless of whether a product or service is available in your 
country, this Agreement is still effective as it relates to you and your use of 
our Site.  
d. ADA Compliance. This Site is designed to be in compliance with Title III of 
the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). While we believe the Site is to 
be maintained in a fashion to comply with the ADA, the Site may be updated 
frequently. If you have any difficulty accessing the Site because of a disability, 
please contact us at 
e. Force Majeure. Under no circumstances will Affiliate Automation or any of 
its affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, or employees be liable for any 
delay or failure in performance due in whole or in part to any and all acts 
beyond its control including, without limitation, war (declared or undeclared), 
terrorist activities, acts of sabotage, blockade, fire, lightning, acts of God, 
national strikes, riots, insurrections, civil commotions, quarantine restrictions, 
epidemics, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, explosions and regulatory and 
administrative actions or delays.  
f. Severability. If any provision in this Agreement is deemed invalid, void, or 
for any reason unenforceable, that specific condition will be deemed severed 
and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions 
of this Agreement.  
g. Assignment. Affiliate Automation may, at any time, assign its rights and 
obligations under this Agreement, including to an affiliated entity or in 
connection with a sale of assets, merger, acquisition, reorganization, 
bankruptcy, other transaction or by operation of law.  
h. Changes to this Agreement. Affiliate Automation may change the Terms of 
this Agreement. If we do, we will post the revised Agreement on our Site and 
update the Effective Date at the top of the Agreement. The revised Agreement 
will be effective immediately if you accept them (for example, by continuing 
to use our Site after the revised Agreement has been posted).  
i. Contact. If you have any questions related to Affiliate Automation, our Site, 
Services, or this Agreement, please contact us at